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Yoga Teacher Training
Upcoming dates 2025
200 Hatha Yoga TTC: 31 Oct - 13 Dic 2025 (Weekends)
200 Hatha Yoga TTC: 21 March -3 May 2025 (weekends)
200 hours
Yoga Teacher Training course at Ashram Ibiza will give you a clear understanding and depth of practice. This is the starting point if you are looking for a course that strengthens the knowledge of Yoga or if you are ready to deepen your practice or start the path of teaching The training is suitable for those interested in starting a complete yoga journey, being a highly demanding training and a great starting point, for those without any experience in Yoga.
We based our teachings on the traditional Yoga of India, honouring the foundation of Yoga from its beginning.
Yoga teacher training is an experience that has changed the lives of many yoga practitioners, giving them a great opportunity to find their true path in life, to awaken their inner power and find a recognized and valued professional tool with international application in any country.
We offer:
Semi-intensive or Part time training, consist in on-site classes held only on weekends from 8:00 to 18:00, for 7 weeks in our studio in Santa Eularia del rio, giving you the chance to continue with your daily activities for the rest of the week, as well as consult our teachers during the week, any doubts or questions that you may have during the training.
In our yoga center, you will also be able to meet different teachers, styles of Yoga, and be in a friendly atmosphere, connecting with other students and exchanging experiences. You will be able join our weekly yoga classes and to learn from other teachers in those classes, learn the dynamics of our center's classes and much more!
Techniques, training & practice: 1) Asana: Historical context, Safe Complete sequencing, Anatomical principles and contradiction. Hatha & Restorative Styles 2) Pranayamas & Subtle Body: Understanding of the Breath, . Complete sequencing with alternatives and adaptations. Kosha, Chakras, Nadis & Prana Vayus. Kriyas 3) Meditation: What is Meditation, methods and different techniques.
Anatomy & Physiology: Skeletal System, Nervous system. Types of joint movements, stabilization, Safe movements for balancing, stretching, awareness and physical limitations. Contraindication, misalignments, adaptation.
History, Vedanta Philosophy, Hatha & Modern yoga. Philosophy of Yoga, Bagavad gita, Yoga sutras.
Teaching methodology, Professional development, Practice teaching & Mentorship.
Exam. Graduation Ceremony and Certification on completion. Eligibility to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion
Continue Education & up coming training. Teaching support & consultation during your journey.
Discipline to attend all classes: Is the responsibility of the participant to come on time to classes and follow the entire program. Mostly of the training is done in person, having the option in some Theory classes to be followed on line.
The student must to participate in all classes to complete the certification.
Classes will be taught in Spanish & English.
Practice & commitment during the course.
Friendly atmosphere: we are all together in the process! Stay open, flexible, and listen to your class mates. “Sharing” is the key of transformation.
Yoga equipment included.
The bibliography that we use during the training can be purchased by the participant. Ashram Ibiza will provide the Teacher's Manual at the beginning of the course.
The training is offered on the Weekends (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) from 8:00 to 18:00 hrs at our Yoga Center in Santa Eularia.
Full length of the course: 1 1/2 months (7 weekends)
Non residential. We don't offer accommodation in this training. If you like to take part of the training, there are many accommodation option in Santa Eularia. Let us know if you need any advice.
Breakfast, water and teas included every weekend during the training.
Part time Training 2025 : 2500€
Early bird price 2250€ when registered before January 2025 & July 2025
Registration fee: 400 € (Online payment or cash at our reception desk)
Payments options:
1,2 or 3 instalments. Please contact us to to offer you a convenient plan.
Already student of Ashram Ibiza?
Benefit of a 10% discount in Post- education training.
BONUS : A 5% LifeTime discount in your monthly Yoga pass in our Yoga Studio in Santa Eulalia after the completion of the course.
Training Timetable (tentative)
8:00-9:00 Meditation & Pranayama
9:00-10:15 Hatha Yoga
10:30-11:30 Breakfast
11:30-12:45 Teaching Methodology / Practicum / Workshops
13:00-14:00 Yoga Philosophy (Indian Teacher Online).
14:00-15:00 Yoga Anatomy
15:00-15:15 Tea Break / Fruits
15:30 - 17:30 Critical Alignment - Asana & Props
17:30 -18:00 Feedback, Q&A, Satsang/ Meditation
Need more info?
Get in touch to have more information abut our training